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Do you make your own rules?

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

In life, there are no rules.

Well, there are some; there are the rules that govern our societies, that keep us safe and make sure that business is done in a fair way. But I'm not talking about those kind of rules.

What I'm taking about are the rules that dictate who we are and what we do with our lives.

We are all influenced by society, even if we don't realise it, we are encouraged to work hard, get a ‘safe’ job, save money, grow up, get married, fit in, buy more stuff, etc...

When was the last time you questioned these rules?

We begin to write our stories each day from the moment we wake up with the actions we take and the attitudes we choose. The key here is that they are a choice. There is nobody you need to be and nothing you need to do.

You can find your own path and go on your own adventure.

Are you willing to make you own rules?

Let me know the ways you're living your life on your own terms.

Join the conversation below.

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